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Formosa Outfalls

Formosa Plastics has an expired but new pending TPDES permit for its facilities at Point Comfort (Permit Number WQ0002436). The former permit covered the release of ‘trace’ amounts of plastics into Lavaca Bay via outfalls… Read More »Formosa Outfalls

Pellet and Powder Audits

Audits are a powerful way to show evidence… February 22nd 2016 Audit In the February Audit they found… January 2016 Audit In the January Audit…

Press Releases

Jan. 23, 2020 Precedent Setting Permit Request for Texas Facility:  Zero Discharge of Plastics   POINT COMFORT, Texas (Jan. 23, 2020) – In December 2019, U.S. District Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt approved a $50 million environmental… Read More »Press Releases