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History, regulatory reports, ecological information.

Formosa Outfalls

Formosa Plastics has an expired but new pending TPDES permit for its facilities at Point Comfort (Permit Number WQ0002436). The former permit covered the release of ‘trace’ amounts of plastics into Lavaca Bay via outfalls… Read More »Formosa Outfalls

Microplastic Study

BRANDED-Report-2018-FINAL In 2018, individuals and organizations across the globe took local action to hold corporations accountable for the plastic pollution they force into the marketplace through unnecessary, problematic and excessive throwaway packaging and materials. Break… Read More »Microplastic Study

Clean Water Act Suits

Clean Water Act 60 Day Notice of Intent Diane Wilson and San Antonio Bay Estuarine Waterkeeper (collectively “Complainants”) provide 60 days notice of our intent to sue Formosa Plastics Corporation in federal district court to… Read More »Clean Water Act Suits

Netflix | Dirty Money | Point Comfort

Diane Wilson was featured in a recent Netflix series: