by Diane Wilson
Follow Diane’s day-by-day account of the latest Global Hunger Strike against Formosa Plastics. You can join her by signing up here.
Well, my permanent 8-person tent is up in addition to another smaller tent, and everything is hooked up for electricity by solar panels by the good graciousness of Texas Campaign for the Environment! Yah! An amazing set up and so easy. Plug one wire here and another wire there and bingo I’m getting electricity in Formosa Plastics’ ditch. I even blew up an air mattress. Can’t believe it! Pretty good camping. No mosquitos. The stakes are holding. Looks like not too much rain. What else could I ask for? I had security prowling. They seemed a little upset that my truck is now on the other side of the ditch and permanent and not going away and flags still flying and there are two tents, and one is dang big. 8-person. And a solar panel operation going on.
So, tonight is my first night sleeping out here. A norther is coming in. We shall see what we shall see. Fingers crossed.