November 7, 2017 Waterkeepers Ronnie Hamrick and David Sumpter check out Formosa Plastic outfall 07 that discharges into Cox Creek. Pellets were discovered.November 7, 2017 Waterkeepers David Sumpter and Ronnie Hamrick at Formosa Plastics outfall 08 that discharges into Cox Creek January 2018, checking for pellets/nurdle and powder at Formosa Plastics, outfall 012 that discharges into Cox CreekDec 2018, Diane Wilson, waterkeeper, on south side of Cox Creek (Alcoa dam area) spillway and observing cement discharge entrance/outfall. There was no water in the cement outfall. Not sure who operates the outfall. Water was coming over the spillway.2000, photo taken by FBI agent showing pellets covering island NE of Formosa Plastic outfall 01 in Lavaca Bay. Formosa Plastics, Point Comfort, Texas is in background May 2020, Dirt berm at Formosa Plastics outfall 014 at Cox Creek November 20, 2017, missing screen on gate at Formosa outfall 06 that discharges into Cox CreekNovember 2017, earthen ditch and pipe discharge of Formosa outfall 07 into Cox CreekNovember 2017, Waterkeeper Ronnie Hamrick at Formosa outfall 08 near Cox CreekNovember 2017, Waterkeepers Hamrick and David Sumpter at Formosa outfall 08 at Cox CreekNovember 2017, Ronnie Hamrick, Waterkeeper, at Formosa outfall 08 at Cox CreekNovember 2017, Waterkeepers Hamrick and Sumpter at Formosa outfall 07 into Cox CreekMay 2020, Formosa outfall 011 that discharges into Lavaca Bay at loading dock area Formosa outfall 01 into Lavaca Bay, North of causeway. Formosa Plastic in background.2019, Formosa outfall 09 that discharges into Cox Creek2018 Formosa outfall 012 that discharges into Cox Creek2018 Formosa outfall 09 into Cox CreekAugust 2018 Formosa outfall 012August 2018, outfalls 2,4,5 into Cox Creek. This view is facing north to the facility. 2018 Formosa outfall 08 into Cox Creek