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Map of Pellets Sampling Locations

The Court concludes that the evidence shows violations for each of the 736 days of discharges into Lavaca Bay from Outfall 001. See [Ex. 63, 254, 263-295 and 472]….In addition, the Court concludes that Formosa is a serial offender, violating its Permit concerning discharge of floating solids, in other than trace amounts, from other Outfalls from January 31, 2016, to at least March 24, 2019. Some 1,149 days of violations are recorded through Outfalls 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 012.

The colored points on the map are where the 2,428 samples were collected.

Sampling point, Formosa Plastics outfall 001 in Lavaca Bay
Sampling point, Marina in Port Lavaca, Texas
Sampling point, Formosa Plastics outfall 08 at Cox Creek
August 29, 2018 clean up contractor Horizon workers water blasting at Formosa outfall 2,4,5 that discharges into Cox Creek. Sampling point outfall 2,4,5 at Cox Creek
Sampling point, Poor Boys in Port Lavaca
Sampling point, N of Causeway on Port Lavaca side.
Sample point, Marina boat launch at Port Lavaca, Texas