There are many ways to get involved in this ongoing effort. Consider a financial contribution or helping us monitor the bay by reporting sightings of plastic pellets.
Donate to No More Nurdles
It takes a lot of fuel, community engagement and social outreach to make these changes happen.
Give a financial gift to San Antonio Bay Waterkeepers via the nonprofit Calhoun County Resource Watch, 501c3 Tax ID: 74-2585960. All financial donations are tax deductible.
Donations are used for boat maintenance, fuel for monitoring plastic pollution and industrial discharges, activities related to fighting petrochemical and fossil fuel build ups, engaging and educating community, and website/media management and costs.
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Help track plastic pollution with Nurdle Patrol
The Nurdle Patrol looks for plastic pellets on waterways across the USA and world. See how you can help their research.
Hold plastic polluters accountable in your backyard
Grassroots projects can also help environmental organizations bring polluters to court. Armed with samples and photos, plaintiffs like Wilson and the Waterkeepers have a better shot at winning lawsuits that often hinge on physical evidence. Kelly Haragan, the director of the environmental law clinic at the UT School of Law, believes that the future of environmental regulation is “people-powered.” Regulators, she noted, currently rely on companies to report their own violations. “We’re on the cusp of the public being able to hold industry much more accountable.”
Contact your Representatives
Contact your representatives and ask for legislative bills banning zero discharge of plastic and ranking PVC waste as hazardous.
Contact banks to divest from Formosa
Contact Formosa Executives
Get your friends together and have a letter writing party or phone bank! Contact them that you care about the air and water in Lavaca Bay and Point Comfort and want them to stop polluting.
Financial Contributions
Report Plastic Pollution Siting’s
Ready to report? Head to: Report a Plastic Pellets/Nurdles

Organization Nurdle Kits
Organizations can now create their own local Nurdle Patrol citizen science project! Nurdle Patrol is a project where volunteers conduct 10 minute surveys looking for tiny plastic pellets (nurdles) along waterways around the country in an effort to identify high concentrations that could lead to the source of plastic being released. With funding from the Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust, Nurdle Patrol is expanding all over the country by creating Startup Kits for the nurdle-collecting cause. As a result of last year’s environmental lawsuit against Formosa Plastics Corp., who had been illegally discharging plastic pellets from their plant in Point Comfort, Texas, the Mitigation Trust was established to fund numerous environmental projects in the area, allowing Nurdle Patrol to make their Startup Kits. These kits will enable different organizations around the U.S. to start a Nurdle Patrol citizen science project in their area, whether in a coastal community, along a river, or at the edge of a lake, with their efforts contributing to one centralized goal: to prevent microplastics from entering the environment.
We need volunteers! We need help to spot nurdles, clean up the bay, and help cleaning up content on this website. If you are interested in any of these, please fill out the form below.