by Diane Wilson
Follow Diane’s day-by-day account of the latest Global Hunger Strike against Formosa Plastics. You can join her by signing up here.
Well, I nearly said Day 4 and apparently today is Saturday. I didn’t know it. Thought it was
Wednesday. I guess time flies when you’re having fun. Today is hot. I took as much as I could sitting out by the sign on my truck, but finally, I headed for the inside of my truck. Now my boots are in an open window and a cool breeze is floating through my red derelict truck.

This is Saturday at Formosa Plastics. A skeleton crew. Looks like the parking lots are 15 percent filled. Normally they are packed. Usually at noon on a weekday, the folks from Formosa Plastic’s administration building-Gate 3-pile out and hit the road for a good eating place. It’s good viewing– watching them while they watch me. I’m sure I’m a unique experience in my red truck parked on their front lawn where key people like Formosa Plastics, Taiwan comes through. Oh, but soon they will grow bored. Management people like that probably need to be entertained all the time. Oh, but just wait! Next week I’ve got a tent, 4 flags of different colors, and a cat coming. I’m sure the boredom will fly out the window of every management luxury car that passes me and they will start wondering what in the heck is my level of encampment. How big is it gonna be? Will she take up the whole front yard? Well, I’m thinking big and being a Texan, I mean really big.